Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Vim the "Simple" Text Editor

I used to work with Nano text editor often, but I have heard awesome things about Vi/Vim and really wanted to give them a try (mainly because they looked cool, and I was also curious to see what was so great about them). Using Vim for the first time scared me—I did not want to mess anything up! But once I got the hang of it, things became much easier and I could appreciate the editor's powerful capabilities. Well, I sort of gave up others, but I'm happy being stuck with Vim. Some people feel difficult to use Vim.

In this blog post, I will walk through Vim (based on my personal experience) just enough so you can get by with it as an editor on a Linux system. This will neither make you an expert nor even scratch the surface of many of Vim's powerful capabilities. But the starting point always matters, and I want to make the beginning experience as easy as possible, and you can explore the rest on your own.


It is very important to understand the concept in Vim, possibly the most important to remember: Vim has multiple modes. Here are three you need to know to do Vim basics:

Mode Description 
Normal ---> Default; for navigation and simple editing
Insert ---> For explicitly inserting and modifying text
Command Line --> For operations like saving, exiting, etc.

Vim has other modes, like Visual, Select, and Ex-Mode, but Normal, Insert, and Command-Line modes are good enough for us.

Vim Command Reference

save: :w

save and exit: :wq

exit: :q

force: ! (example :w! :q!)

vertical split: open a document and then type :vsplit /path-to-document/document and this will open the specified document and split the screen so you can see both documents.

copy: y

copy a line: yy

paste: p

cut: d

cut a line: dd

Creating file

vim mahesh.txt

(you will reach at Vim normal mode, to add the text you need to be in insert mode for that type i) now you can add text

Quiting file (Shift + :q)


Saving file


Save & Quit


Redoing text


Undoing text


Copying word

Go to visual mode typing, you will reach at Visual mode of Vim, then point to specific word click arrow button for selecting/marking + Y key( copying), return back to Normal mode (Escape key) click "P" to paste wherever you want.

Adding Lines

Return back to Normal mode (Escape key) point to specific line type "o" you will a get an extra empty line where you can add your additional text)

Searching words 

Return back to Normal mode (Escape key) type forward slash "/" followed by your keyword


You can press n key to get the next occurrence in the backward direction. You can also press N key to get the next occurrence in the forward direction.

Highlight the Words When Search

You can enable highlight words when searching by using the :set hlsearch command. To enable it, inside the normal mode of Vim enter the following command.

:set hlsearch

To stop highlighting words when search, enter the following command:

:set !hlsearch

Replacing words

If you want to replace a particular word in a file you can use the following command remember Return back to Normal mode (Escape key)

:%s/oldword/newword + Enter key

To delete all lines

first "gg" then "dG"

Paste from outside


To reach the bottom line


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