Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Install ionCube Loader on Debian

Ioncube is used as the encryption and decryption utility for PHP applications by which we can keep safe our data. It also can restrict PHP application to execute unauthorized. It also assists in speeding up the pages that are served. IonCube loaders are used for decoding encoded files while running on the webserver. read more details on the official site. This tutorial will help you to install the PHP ionCube Loaders on the Debian Linux system.


* LAMP Stack

Step 1 – Download ionCube Loader

First of all download the latest ioncube loaders PHP modules from ioncube from ioncube download page. Alternatively you can also use the following command to download ioncube loaders.


Then, extract the downloaded archive under /usr/local directory.

tar xzf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz -C /usr/local

Step 2 – Enable ionCube Loader in PHP

Now, find the active PHP version on your system. To find php.ini file you can use the following command.

php -i | grep php.ini

The above command will show the configuration file for PHP CLI. You need to edit php.ini for CLI and well as Apache. You can find this with phpinfo(); php function.

By default the configuration file locations are:

sudo vim /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini      #for PHP CLI
sudo vim /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini      #for PHP FPM
sudo vim /etc/php/7.3/apache/php.ini   #for PHP with Apache

Edit all the above configuration files and append the below code to the end of the files.

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/

Replace /usr/local/ioncube/ file with your matching PHP version file.

Step 3 – Restart Apache & PHP-FPM Service

After making changes in php.ini for Apache or PHP-FPM, you need to restart the following services.

sudo systemctl restart apache2      

Step 4 – Verify ionCube Loader

Let’s verify the installation and configuration of Ioncube PHP module. Run PHP -m command on shell.


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