Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Document Preview in DSpace, using Google Docs Viewer

A modification that allows a DSpace repository to embed a "preview" of the document into the page, so the user never has to leave, just to get to the good stuff.

Adding a Preview link to the item's bit stream.

Then showing the document with Google Doc's Viewer. It essentially becomes a very easy way to make your content more easily accessible, as files that are MS Word or Adobe PDF don't require the visitor to have those programs installed to view them, and load instantly on the page.

How it works
The Google Docs viewer essentially works the same as the user downloading the document to their computer and having the Adobe Reader display the file for them, however, it uses Google Docs to download the document, and then render the PDF before their eyes in real-time so that they can immediately see the document on that page.

It involves modifying Item to add the link and a preview box, adding four java script functions, and used some jQuery. Going forward, I'm thinking that this builds off of Stuart Lewis' idea of having a preview anything. As this is generally a response (for documents) to:

    Perhaps we should make this is into a pluggable system for DSpace 1.6 where you can register classes that can render file types, and then make a configurable option to register viewers to file types?

The code is available in a write up at the DSpace Wiki: Document Preview with Google Docs Viewer


  1. sir please provide a documentation how to embed pdf previewer in dspace 6

  2. Sir plz provide the guide for the above changes made in DSpace

  3. Could you please explain how can I add in my Dspace and Is this any option to only view full doc and limited upto certain pages
