Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Creating Custom Pages on Koha OPAC Made Easy with Version 22.11 onwards...

Are you tired of struggling with complex code and command-line experience just to create and publish pages on Koha OPAC? Well, fret no more! With the latest versions 22.11 onwards, Koha has made it incredibly easy to create custom pages without any technical expertise required.

In the past, users had to navigate through cumbersome processes, editing code within Koha and dealing with command-line operations just to add a simple page. This not only posed a challenge for non-technical users but also consumed valuable time and resources.

However, with the introduction of version 22.11, Koha has streamlined the process, making it accessible to everyone. Now, creating and publishing pages on Koha OPAC is as simple as a few clicks.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to Tools >> HTML Customizations >> Pages.
2. Click on the "New Entry" button.
3. Select "OPAC" as the Display location.
4. Enter the publication date and title of the page.
5. Click on the source code icon to paste your HTML code.

6. Save your changes.

Get the page URL and use wherever you want to use. 

That's it! Your custom page is now live on Koha OPAC, ready for users to access and explore. No more struggling with complex code or command-line operations – just simple, intuitive steps to create the pages you need.

Whether you're adding announcements, creating guides, or showcasing library events, the new page creation process in Koha version 22.11 makes it easier than ever to customize your OPAC experience.

So why wait? Upgrade to Koha version 22.11 today and start creating beautiful custom pages with ease. Say goodbye to technical headaches and hello to a more user-friendly OPAC experience for your library patrons.

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