Monday, April 13, 2020

How to use Gnome shell’s hidden Screen Recorder in Debian/Ubuntu

The Gnome shell’s inbuilt screen recorder tool is kept hidden so you will not find any application launcher or command-line option to launch it like other software. You can launch it by using a key shortcut.

Start Screen recording

To start recording your screen, use the following shortcut:


After using the above shortcut, you will notice a small red circle at the top right corner of the screen indicating the recording process has started. It will record the current screen activity of your desktop.

Stop Screen recording

The default recording duration is 30 seconds. After that, the recording stops automatically. Use the same above shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R to manually stop the recording. By doing so, the program will stop recording the screen activity and you will notice that the red circle has disappeared.

Find recordings

You can find the recordings in the Videos folder under the user’s home directory. Videos are saved in WebM format along with the date and time when they were taken.

Increase recording length

The Gnome shell’s built-in screen recorder records the screen activity for 30 seconds by default. However, if you are not satisfied with this default short recording length, you can increase it by executing a single command in the Terminal.

To launch the Terminal application in your system, go to the Activities tab in the top left corner of your Debian desktop. Then in the search bar, type terminal. When the Terminal icon appears, click on it to launch it.

Then type the following line in Terminal:

$ gsettings set max-screencast-length X

Replace X with the recording length you want in seconds. If you do not want to specify a limit, replace X with 0.

It is a good tool that let you record your screen activity with ease and comfort without the need of installing any app. However, it has few limitations as it lacks audio recording and it is unable to record a specific area. Instead, it records the entire desktop screen.

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