For the three days, I have been on the work on data migration of Kerala Judicial Academy Library, They were using proprietary library management software. After the successful migration of complete data (22,073 records), one of the staff of Kerala Judicial Academy Library. Mr. Nishad, who is a dynamic library professional having a very good perception of how an innovative library should be. Currently, he is the cataloguer, asked me how can we have a chatting facility in our koha's OPAC? and If it is possible, we will be able to interact with our library visitors in real-time. and I told him that, there are a lot of chat tools/widgets are available including paid and free that can be used to fulfill your need. and I suggested one of them "". is a free messaging app to monitor and chat with the visitors on your website, mobile app, or from a free customizable page. you can also use Live helper chat (an Open Source alternative). Following are the steps by which you can also configure a chat widget on your Koha’s OPAC
NB: To configure this widget our Koha must be available on the internet/cloud
Create an account in
Here you should provide your site name and Koha OPAC url
Create a team member giving an email address and password
Step: 4
At the end of signing up, you will get a javascript.
Step: 5
Once you have that Javascript code you need to add it on your Koha. for that, connect to the Koha Staff Interface and then go to Koha Administration > Global system preferences > OPAC > opacuserJS. and add the code given by and saved your preference modification, you should see a chat window on the bottom left or right of your OPAC.Once connected on your chat interface you will be able to interact with your visitors in real-time. for that you can also download android application from Google play store to mange administrative activities at everywhere.
See OPAC with chat widget on