Monday, July 8, 2019

How to Install MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 18.04

MySQL Workbench is a cross-platform graphical application for MySQL database administrators and architects. It includes tools for managing databases and users, creating and running SQL queries, configuring servers, taking backups, performing migrations and much more.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and use MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 18.04. The same instructions apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any Ubuntu-based distribution, including Linux Mint, Kubuntu and Elementary OS.


Before continuing with this tutorial, make sure you are logged in as a user with sudo privileges.
Installing MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu

Installing MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu is a pretty straightforward process. Update the packages index and install the MySQL Workbench package: 

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-workbench

The MySQL Workbench package which is available in the Ubuntu default repositories may not always be the latest version.

Launching MySQL Workbench
Now that MySQL Workbench is installed on your Ubuntu system you can start it either from the command line by typing mysql-workbench or by clicking on the MySQL Workbench icon (Activities -> MySQL Workbench).

When you start MySQL Workbench for the first time, a window like the following should appear:

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