Monday, May 22, 2023

Simplified Guide: Installing Koha with an Effortless Script

Koha, an open-source library management system, offers a comprehensive set of tools to manage library collections, circulation, cataloging, and more. However, for non-tech professionals in the library field, setting up Koha might seem like a daunting task. But fear not! In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through a script that automates the setup process, making it accessible even for those without technical expertise.

Step 1: Prepare the System

To get started, you'll need an Debian/Ubuntu-based server. If you don't already have one, consider consulting with your IT department or a system administrator to set it up. Once the server is ready, proceed with the following steps.

Step 2: Run the Script

Download the "" script from here and save it in your preferred location on the server. For example, let's assume you saved it in the "Downloads" directory.

Open the terminal on the server.
Change the directory to the location where you saved the script. In this case, use the following command to navigate to the "Downloads" directory:

cd Downloads

Next, ensure that the script has executable permissions. Grant executable permissions to the script using the "chmod" command with the "+x" option:

sudo chmod +x

The "sudo" command is used to run the command with administrative privileges, as modifying system files may require them.

Once the script has executable permissions, run it by executing the following command:

sudo ./

The "./" prefix is used to indicate that the script should be executed from the current directory.

Step 3: Set Up Koha Dependencies

The script will begin by updating the package lists and upgrading any installed packages on the server. This ensures that the system is up to date with the latest software versions. It will then remove any unnecessary packages to free up disk space.

Step 4: Configure the Firewall and Web Server

To protect the server, the script installs the UFW firewall and configures it to allow access to the necessary ports. It then proceeds to install the Apache web server, which will serve as the platform for hosting Koha.

Step 5: Install Koha and MariaDB Server

The script adds the Koha repository to the package sources and updates the package lists accordingly. It then proceeds to install Koha using the apt install command. Concurrently, it installs the MariaDB database server, which will handle the storage and management of library data.

Step 6: Configure Koha

The script updates the Koha configuration file to use port 8080 instead of the default port 80, ensuring smooth operation alongside the web server. It also creates a Koha instance called "library" to store your library's data.

Step 7: Finish the Configuration

To enable proper communication between the web server and Koha, the script updates the Apache ports configuration file and enables the necessary Apache modules. It then disables the default Apache site and enables the Koha site. After restarting the services, your Koha installation will be ready to use. Finally, firefox browser will open (Staff interface with web installer) automatically.

The script uses the following.

8080 as the INTRANET PORT
mysqlroot as the MariaDB Root Password

Please note that this guide assumes you are using Debian/Ubuntu-based server and have administrative privileges.

1 comment:

  1. Script was showing error while execution. after applying following command it works perfectly.
    sed -i -e 's/\r$//'
