Padding is the process of adding some unnecessary material to your strings, often to meet a minimum word count. Padding in MySQL can be very useful in formatting the output of a query. MySQL provides us with two padding functions – LPAD() and RPAD().
MySQL LPAD() is used to left-pad (add padding on the left side) a string with another string, to a specified length.
MySQL RPAD() is used to right-pad (add padding on the right side) a string with another string, to a specified length.
Syntax of MySQL LPAD()
LPAD(string, length, padding_string);
- ‘string’ is the original string that needs left padding,
- ‘length’ is the length that the string should have after padding and,
- ‘padding_string’ is the string that should be either left-padded to ‘string’.
UPDATE table SET cloumn = LPAD(column, 10,'0');
Eg: If you want to append a zero on the LEFT side of a string from the barcode column of the items table, Use the below query
UPDATE items SET barcode = LPAD(barcode, 10,'0');
To exclude specific barcode numbers (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003) from being updated with leading zeros, you can modify the SQL statement by adding a WHERE clause to filter out those values. Here's an example:
UPDATE items
SET barcode = LPAD(barcode, 10, '0')
WHERE barcode NOT IN ('1000', '1001', '1002', '1003');
Syntax of MySQL RPAD()
RPAD(string, length, padding_string);
- ‘string’ is the original string that needs the right padding,
- ‘length’ is the length that the string should have after padding, and,
- ‘padding_string’ is the string that should be right-padded to ‘string’.
UPDATE table SET column = RPAD(column, 10,'0');
Eg: If you want to append a zero on the RIGHT side of the string from the barcode column of the items table, Use the below query
UPDATE items SET barcode = RPAD(barcode, 10,'0');
To update the barcode column with trailing zeros using the RPAD function and exclude specific barcode numbers (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003), you can modify the SQL statement as follows:
UPDATE items
SET barcode = RPAD(barcode, 10, '0')
WHERE barcode NOT IN ('1000', '1001', '1002', '1003');
TRIM () Function
TRIM() function in MySQL is used to clean up data. It is also used to remove the unwanted leading and trailing characters in a string. TRIM() function helps to remove leading/trailing characters.
TRIM Leading
UPDATE table SET column = TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM column)
Eg: If you want to remove the leading zero from the barcode column of the items table, the below syntax will do it
UPDATE items SET barcode = TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM barcode)
TRIM Trailing
UPDATE table SET column = TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM column)
Eg: If you want to remove trailing zero from the barcode column of the items table, the below syntax will do it
UPDATE items SET barcode = TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM barcode)
Adding Prefix and Suffix
To add a prefix to the value of a column from a table
UPDATE table SET column = CONCAT('prefix', column)
UPDATE items SET barcode = CONCAT('GEMS', barcode)
To remove prefix
UPDATE items SET barcode = TRIM(LEADING 'GEMS' FROM barcode)
To add a suffix to the value of a column from a table
UPDATE table SET column = CONCAT(column,'sufix')
UPDATE items SET barcode = CONCAT(barcode,'GEMS')
To remove suffix
UPDATE items SET barcode = TRIM(TRAILING 'GEMS' FROM barcode)