Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Using Google Drive create an Image Gallery for Koha's OPAC

Lets us see how we can create a separate page for image gallery in our koha's OPAC using Google Drive as image hosting, The advantage is that this will enable our site to load faster as the images are loaded from Google and not from our koha server and we do not need to backup photos for the up-gradation of koha when a new version comes. We are going to do this in two steps 

  • Creating a separate page for Gallery
  • Displaying images in the page from google drive folder

Step 1: Create a page in koha

You can refer to this blogpost for creating pages in koha 

Step 2: Create a folder in Google Drive

Let us create a separate folder in Google Drive for uploading images that are to be displayed on the gallery page along with that you should also make that folder publically accessible

Make the folder publically accessible

You may start uploading images to the newly created folder "Gallery", then go back to 

Koha › Administration › System preferences › Local use › create a new page 

Get your shared folder ID that is available in the sharable link and replace the below ID and paste the complete code on the gallery page

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Now create a new link on the OpacMoreSearches 

Koha › Administration › System preferences › OPAC ›  OpacMoreSearches paste the below code

<li class="nav-item">
<a href="/"target="_blank">Gallery</a>


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